
Friday May 29, 2020
Collateral Damage Season 2. Ep. 38. Special Guest Dr. Mark Tyndall
Friday May 29, 2020
Friday May 29, 2020
Full episodes available - www.cdpodcast.com
Mike and Maureen meet with Dr. Mark Tyndall, Professor of Medicine - University of British Columbia and founder of My Safe Project, to discuss his efforts to curb the opiate epidemic in British Columbia by using "vending machines" that hold, and securely distribute, hydromorphone pills to help reduce medication diversion, and overdose.
Episode Resources:
Podcast Produced by Sweet's Productions - www.sweetsproductions.com
Episode Sponsor(s) - Sunrise Detox - 508-938-3718 www.SunriseDetoxMillbury.com
Michael J Wilson is the Director of Family Services and co-owner of Baystate Recovery Services and Barry's House Sober Living for men. For question call 800-270-2302 or visit www.baystaterecovery.com
Maureen Cavanagh is a Family Recovery Coach and the owner of Magnolia Recovery and Consulting Services. For questions visit www.maureencavanagh.net
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